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Walczymy o nasze życie

Eutanazja lub „samobójstwo wspomagane przez lekarza” nie polega na łatwej, szybkiej i bezbolesnej śmierci. I nie polega na daniu ludziom wyb...

poniedziałek, 22 lipca 2024

The Hook (Secrets of Story Structure, Pt. 2 of 12)

Readers are like fish. Smart fish. Fish who know authors are out to get them, reel them in, and capture them for the rest of their sea-going lives. Like all self-respecting fish, readers aren’t caught easily. They aren’t about to surrender to the lure of your story unless you present them with an irresistible Hook. […]

The post The Hook (Secrets of Story Structure, Pt. 2 of 12) appeared first on Helping Writers Become Authors.


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