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Walczymy o nasze życie

Eutanazja lub „samobójstwo wspomagane przez lekarza” nie polega na łatwej, szybkiej i bezbolesnej śmierci. I nie polega na daniu ludziom wyb...

czwartek, 18 lipca 2024

5 Reasons Story Structure Is Important (Secrets of Story Structure, Pt. 1 of 12)

What’s the single most overlooked, misunderstood—and yet important—part of storytelling? If you read the post title, you already know the answer is story structure. Twelve years ago, I shared the series “Secrets of Story Structure” on this site. That series became the basis of one of my best-known writing-craft books, Structuring Your Novel. That original […]

The post 5 Reasons Story Structure Is Important (Secrets of Story Structure, Pt. 1 of 12) appeared first on Helping Writers Become Authors.


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