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Walczymy o nasze życie

Eutanazja lub „samobójstwo wspomagane przez lekarza” nie polega na łatwej, szybkiej i bezbolesnej śmierci. I nie polega na daniu ludziom wyb...

niedziela, 18 sierpnia 2024

The Inciting Event (Secrets of Story Structure, Pt. 4 of 12)

The Inciting Event is one of the most crucial turning points in story structure. It can either make or break your narrative. Many writers, however, struggle with its intricacies and timing. Is the Inciting Event the initial brush with the main conflict? Is it a Call to Adventure met with refusal? Where does it belong […]

The post The Inciting Event (Secrets of Story Structure, Pt. 4 of 12) appeared first on Helping Writers Become Authors.


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