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Wyzwanie wirusowe: przewodnik dla fioletowych pigułek.

„Ujawnianie oszustwa związanego z wirusoLIEgy” jest „kluczowe, biorąc pod uwagę, że cień One „Health” wisi nad nami jak program zróżnicowane...

wtorek, 20 czerwca 2023

What’s the Difference? Your Character’s Ghost vs. Wound vs. Lie vs. Weakness

One of the major keys to engineering characters who can create reader-favorite moments is understanding your characters’ weaknesses. But those weaknesses seem to be known, in writer terminology, by a dizzying array of names, including “ghost,” “wound,” and “lie.” What’s the difference? And which goes where in the story, and how do they each operate […] The post What’s the Difference? Your Character’s Ghost vs. Wound vs. Lie vs. Weakness appeared first on Helping Writers Become Authors.

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